Evaluation criteria
AGenT is looking for highly talented and motivated scientists interested in modern, multidisciplinary challenging research to become future leaders in the areas of plant and agricultural sciences. A transparent, merit-based selection procedure will be established with the participation of international external experts.
- Administrative Eligibility check
CRITERIA 1: Eligibility rules (eligible/not eligible)
CRITERIA 2: Obligatory documentation (eligible/not eligible)
- Evaluation criteria for the Assessment Process
The assessment process is focused on the scientific merit, trajectory of the researcher and project proposed and will be based on the following criteria:
CRITERIA 1: Excellence of the professional background (Score: 0-50)
1.1 Research experience: PhD thesis and related work, prior postdoctoral experience, other research or technology development experience. (Score: 0-20).
1.2 Scientific production: number and relevance of peer-reviewed articles, conference presentations and proceedings (usual indicators will be used for evaluating this part: number of citations for articles, impact of the Journal or of the publication, position of the applicants in the authors order, etc.). (Score: 0-20).
1.3 Personal grants and fellowships, awards and other professional activities (reviewer, chair, etc.). (Score: 0-5).
1.4 Teaching and supervision of early-career students. (Score: 0-3).
1.5 Participation in dissemination and communication activities. (Score: 0-2).
The criteria used for the evaluation of the curriculum will be weighed and parameterized (e.g., publications per research period (i.e. PhD, Postdoc), rather than total number of publications). This will guarantee avoiding any possible bias against youngest researchers or researchers with career breaks despite the fact that the CV will have a 50% weight in this step.
CRITERIA 2: Excellence of the Statement of Research (Score: 0-40)
2.1 Quality, originality, innovative nature of the proposed project, including international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral aspects. (Score: 0-10).
2.2 Coherence and feasibility of the research plan. (Score: 0-10).
2.3 Impact on enhancing the potential and future career prospects of the researcher. (Score: 0-10).
2.4 Techniques/scientific facilities to be used and collaborations. (Score: 0-5).
2.5 Scientific, societal and economic impact of expected results. (Score: 0-5).
CRITERIA 3: Letters of Reference (Score: 0-10)
1.1 Personal nature of the letter, specific to the project in question, and whether or not it refers to subjective aspects and personal characteristics of the candidate and also to his or her intellectual skills and to the academic or professional project presented. Assessment of the reference letters should consider the suitability and aptness of the person who writes the letter with regard to the candidate´s project (Score: 0-10)
The overall threshold for applicants to be ranked for interviews will be 70/100. In case of ex aequo, priority is defined by the score of Criteria 1.
- Evaluation criteria for the Interview
This stage puts more emphasis on the potential of the applicant and will be based on the following criteria:
CRITERIA 1: Scientific knowledge and skills in the area of research. (Score: 0-70).
CRITERIA 2: Presentation and communication skills, defence of the project and ability to take part in scientific discussions. (Score: 0-30).
The overall threshold for applicants to advance to the final ranking step will be 70/100. In case of ex aequo, priority is defined by the score of Criteria 1 - Final ranking
The final score will be calculated based on the score of the Assessment Process (weight 60%) and the score of the Interview (weight 40%). The threshold for selection will be 75/100.