AGenT 4th Call – Results
November 20th, 2023
CRAG received 67 applications to the 4th call of the AGenT programme. The evaluation process consisted of 3 stages:
1. Administrative eligibility check: AGenT Project Manager checked if applicants fulfilled the eligibility rules and submitted all the requested documents. After this phase, 23 out of 67 applications were considered eligible.
2. Assessment Process: a selection committee formed by external independent experts from recognized national and international organisations conducted a remote evaluation of the proposal. Each proposal was evaluated by three experts. After this phase, 15 candidates were invited for interview.
3. Interviews: a selection committee formed by external independent experts from recognized national and international organisations conducted the interviews through Teams. In each interview participated three external experts, and the AGenT project manager and a representative of CRAG’s Women in Science Committee as observers. All 15 candidates accepted to participate in the interviews.
Once the interviews were completed, the final score for each applicant was calculated based on the score of the Assessment Process (weight 60%) and the score of the Interview (weight 40%):